Sum Function in Excel – Download 2 Practice Sheets

Excel SUM Formula - Feature Image
Excel SUM Formula - Feature Image

“Sum” Function in Excel: –

The Excel SUM Formula is used, where we need to do the sum of the numerical values in the selected range, cells reference, or table column/row. It can sum together the numerical values in the multiple selected ranges or cell references.

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The feature of “SUM” function: –

  • With the help of the SUM Function, we can get the total of the numerical values in the selected array, range, or cells.
  • It can use further with other excel functions.
  • Error-values or text values that cannot be recognized into numbers are not summed by this function.
  • The logical values TRUE and FALSE are also not summed.
  • Empty cells and text are also not summed.

Explanation of Function:-

Now, We will explain the Arguments of the Function.

=SUM(number1, [number2], [number3], …)

number1: – Number 1 is represented as the first selected cell which we want to sum up.

[number2]: – Number 2 is represented the next selected cell which we want to sum up.

[number3]: – Number 3 is represented the next selected cell which we want to sum up and a process of selection going on.

We can also select range instead of selecting a number individually.  

=SUM(range1, [range2], [range3], …)

range1: – Range 1 is represented as the first selected cells which we want to sum up.

[range2]: – Range 2 is represented the next selected cells which we want to sum up.

[range3]: – Range 3 is represented the next selected cells which we want to sum up and a process of selection going on.

Example of Function: – 

I will show you, how to apply this function.

From the following table get the total of the amount.

Excel SUM Formula - Example-min
Excel SUM Formula – Example-min


We will Apply the SUM Formula and get the result. This is shown in the following steps: –

Step No. 1:-

We will write the “=SUM( ” in the column of the result.

Excel SUM Formula - Solution - 1 -min
Excel SUM Formula – Solution – 1 -min

Step No. 2

Now select the range of cells on which you want to apply the function.

Step No. 3: –

Now, Press enter and get the result: –

Excel SUM Formula - Solution - 3 -min
Excel SUM Formula – Solution – 3 -min


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Also, Check out the following function of excel: –